Every so often it crosses Taddle Creek’s mind that there may still be a reader or two out there who have not heard of the magazine. Social media is all fine and good (4,631 Twitter followers can’t be wrong), but for Taddle Creek’s money, nothing beats showing up directly at someone’s house in an uninvited attempt to convert them. Unlike the Watchtower, that other magazine of great literary renown, Taddle Creek simply doesn’t have the time to go door to door in person. It does, however, have pockets deep enough to send ten thousand unsolicited pieces of junk mail to unsuspecting mailboxes across the country—and that’s exactly what it did three weeks ago.
Response so far to Taddle Creek’s generous subscription offer has been overwhelming. In fact, April, 2017, is looking to go down as the most successful month for new subscriptions in Taddle Creek’s twenty-year history. “Most entertaining #junkmail I ever received,” said one new reader. “If all mail was like @TaddleCreek’s pitch to subscribe, I would have far less money,” said another. And who could forget the new subscriber whose name escapes Taddle Creek at the moment who said, “First I was like, ‘what the heck is @TaddleCreek?’ … Then I was like, ‘I’m going to subscribe.’”
Taddle Creek now feels just awful that it shared this red hot piece of junk mail with only ten thousand people, so now it’s sharing it with everyone—even you! It’s all here: the envelope, the brochure, the letter, the order form, and the reply envelope.
Don’t think for a moment Taddle Creek would taunt you with such awesome junk mail and not let you take advantage of it. If you’re not currently a subscriber, now’s your chance to get four issues of the magazine for only $15. And just because the weather’s been so nice, Taddle Creek will also thrown in its upcoming Canada issue—free (cheap!). You’re welcome.
Enjoy the campaign!