[Correction: A number of errors appeared in the People Around Here strip “Sad Music,” by Dave Lapp, in the Christmas, 2011, issue. The Jack O’Halloran Singers were credited with singing “Little Drummer Boy.” Jack Halloran was in fact the leader of that particular group, not the actor who played Non in Superman and Superman II. Henryk Górecki’s noted symphony was listed as No. 8. It is No. 3. Patti Schmidt, the former host of CBC Radio’s Brave New Waves, was name-checked as “Patty.” And while Taddle Creek is at it, Tchaikovsky’s String Quartet in D Major could have been better qualified with a “No. 1,” some more “rum”s and “pum”s could have been used between the “puh”s in the lyrics to “Little Drummer Boy,” both Górecki’s and Pärt’s names should have included accents, and another “Just in you” should have appeared before the final “Just believe in you” in the lyrics to “Valentine Heart.” Finally, “pizzicato” was misspelled. Dave’s strip came in very late and in a fit of unusualness, Taddle Creek did not fact-check it. The magazine takes full blame. Thanks to the Taddle Creek reader and frequent mistake finder Tim Davin for pointing out the Górecki mistake. For his efforts, Tim will receive yet another extension to his subscription. Taddle Creek regrets the errors].