The Features
Acoustic Performance

The Features
Muscled Beach

The Features
Long-term Relationship

The Ephemera
Remembering R. M. Vaughan

The Fiction
The Creep
An excerpt.

The Comix

The Features
What’s In a Name?
A tomato soup cake that tastes like cinnamon.

The Profiles
Solitary Man
Michel Rabagliati confronts age and loneliness in Paul at Home.

The Fiction
Be Good
An excerpt.

The Comix
Grizzly Girl Gang

The Features
Enjoy the Ride
Sharing some warmth can help make the most of troubled times.

The Gallery
Bucking Archetype
Canada’s history of less-than-polite rebellion.

The Fiction

The Features
Tangible Pastime

The Poems
the deeper the joy

The Poems
From Your House

The Poems
Broken Telephone

The Poems
Dictators at Night

The Poems
I really liked your reading last night

The Comix