Michael Cho lives in Little Portugal, where he works as a cartoonist and illustrator. His work has been published in several Marvel and DC comics, the New York Times, Nick Magazine, Owl, Now, and Maclean’s. He is currently writing and drawing various graphic novel and art-book projects, in between posting stories for his Web comic, Papercut, and updating his sketch blog. Two of his stories from Taddle Creek were nominated for National Magazine Awards, one of which, “Stars,” from the magazine’s Christmas, 2007, issue, was awarded a silver medal. His work has been appearing in the magazine since 2000. Last updated summer, 2009.
- The Walk-Up Spring, 2014 / No. 32
- Stars Christmas, 2007 / No. 19
- Night Time Christmas, 2004 / No. 13
- My Name Is Eunice Jung Christmas, 2000 / No. 4