
Summer, 2006 / No. 16

Months late, I dive into my New Year’s resolutions,

Promptly giving up sugar, caffeine, cigarettes, you.

Days, moments, seconds, minutes, hours pass,

But even when I’m tired of willpower, I manage

To hold back the cravings and call out a victory.

Stomping angrily on budding grass and happy birds,

I smoke in my sleep, visit past lives, then drink too much,

And spend the next day penitent, doing spring cleaning.

Promptly giving up sugar, caffeine, cigarettes, and you,

For the second time in as many weeks.

Deanna McFadden recently bought a fixer-upper in the Village of Brockton. Currently, not losing her mind is on the top of her list of priorities. She has contributed to the magazine since 1999. Last updated summer, 2006.